
The Testing Center offers services to meet the needs of the community and has the capability to administer computer-based or paper-based tests.  We offer services that benefit workforce 开发ment, credentials, and licenses. Services provided through the Testing Center are available to currently enrolled students and members of the community. 




For 学生 attending Technical College System of Georgia

买世界杯app推荐 不收费 proctoring fees for students of the college or any technical college in the Technical College System of Georgia. Online learners who meet this criteria may schedule free proctoring with Shanan Glenn at (706) 771-4062 or The Student Success Center is located in the Information Technology Center on the 奥古斯塔 campus.


  1. Please check your course materials for testing periods and deadlines and the procedure for notifying your school that you have scheduled an appointment.
  2. 通过电子邮件安排约会
  3. 每次考试的费用是30美元. All proctor fees must be paid using the Oracle system.
  4. You will need to bring a current photo ID with you to your testing session.
  5. All exams will be held in the Testing Lab located in Building 1300 Room 209. Building 1300 will proctor exams for individuals taking online or distance learning courses from colleges that are not part of the Technical College System of Georgia. After you finish scheduling and are ready to take your exam, or if you have any questions about your test options, 请到1300楼的学生服务处.



买世界杯app推荐 is an authorized testing site for the Georgia Department of Agriculture’s (DOA) Commercial and Structural 有害生物管理测试 program. Anyone who applies domestic or commercial pesticides must receive certification from DOA.


  • 商业申请人考试
  • 员工世界杯app软件推荐考试
  • 认证防治虫鼠操作员考试

To register for and schedule any one of these exams, you must login online at Georgia Department of Agriculture’s website

Exam information, such as testing fees and 火车ing materials, can be found at


WorkKeys行动 & NCRC评估


买世界杯app推荐 is an authorized testing site for the Georgia Department of Transportation.


  • QCT总
  • 道路测试技术员(RTT)
  • 质量控制技术员(QCT一级)
  • 土壤测试技术员(STT).

Please follow the below steps 要求测试:

  1. 请填写 GDOT世界杯app软件推荐表格
  2. All examinees must receive approval from the Georgia Department of Transportation.
  3. Once authorization has been approved examinees will need to email 下一步.

行为® WorkKeys and National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) Assessments

WorkKeys行动 is a job skills assessment system that helps employers select, 雇佣, 火车, 开发, 并保留一支高绩效的员工队伍. This series of tests measure foundational and soft skills and offers specialized assessments to target institutional needs.


  • Graphic Literacy (formerly Locating Information) - $27
  • Workplace Documents (formerly Reading for Information) - $27
  • 应用数学——27美元
  • 应用技术——27美元
  • 职场观察——37美元
WorkKeys行动 testing is available on Tuesday and Thursday from 11:30 a.m. 至下午5时.m.
请电子邮件 要求测试. Please look at the job announcement before you send your email to find out which assessments you need to take. 在你的邮件里, 请提供您的姓名, 出生日期, 评估需要, 以及首选的测试日期. 一旦你收到一封确认邮件, please contact Student Accounts at (706) 771-4030 to make your payment

